Meet Hannah Dawson, a 22 year old textile designer from Hampshire

Hannah is a country girl who enjoys being outside, and this is always reflected in her work, which tends to look very organic and often takes inspiration from nature itself. She grew up surrounded by animals and with an artistic mother and it’s all rubbed off and is now coming through in her creations. Due to being creative and not very interested in academic subjects Hannah studied Fashion and Textile design, Photography and English Language when she finished school, before she startedFashion and Textile Design with Enterprise at the University of Portsmouth. She is specialising in textiles, which allows her to work with print, dye and textures which she loves.  

What was your final collection inspired by? 

My final collection was inspired by animals, their skins and furs and how the textures of the two could be morphed. 

What do you feel is the most important thing you’ve learned these three years? 

To be confident in my own work! You’re always going to think other people’s work is better than your own but they probably think the same about your work. 

What about your final collection do you like the most? 

The textures and strange and beautiful natural materials used.

Who inspires you?

 My Mum, my friends and my pets. 

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 
Honestly? No idea. I don’t like to plan things too much.  

Thank you Hannah! Since you don’t like planning ahead to much I guess that will at least let you have an open mind to the opportunities that I am sure will be coming your way! Good luck 🙂 More information about Hannah can be found in the links in the text. She also has a shop at etsy and will soon be up and running!