- Rony is awesome! I was very happy that he liked my hoodie! 🙂
- So concentrated
- I always have pins in my mouth whilst sewing. Probably not a great idea.
- You can’t tell, but there are 5 layers of appliquated flowers here… and I was planning on adding text to it… After this I was pretty nervous.. to put it mildly..
Symesterskapet episode 1
WOW! First episode over! We were allowed to see a preview of the first episode a week ago, so the initial shock of seeing myself on TV has passed, but it’s still strange to know a bunch of people have now seen all our mistakes and successes.. I just try not to think too much about it 🙂
I will say though that it was such a relief to have Ronny choose my jacket! Especially after the first challenge… NRK Finished the hem now, and gave it to Ronny 🙂
I won’t talk too much more about what happened during the show itself, but rather try to bring up some of the topics that were introduced in the episode, and maybe go some more into detail about difficulties I faced in each challenge or techniques I used etc. And please, comment! Ask questions! I don’t know what you want to know more about.
Throughout the week I’ll try to cover these topics:
1. my sewing machines (Why 4?)
2. What happened with my t-shirt? and a bit about doing different types of applique (applikasjon)
3. Thoughts about the re-design challenge and my strategy and way of working with it.
4.The ziphood- the pattern I used, the massive mistake I made that no-one knew about, and how to make welt pockets
Hope you enjoyed the first episode 🙂